Filtering Campaigns
You can filter the Campaigns displayed in Campaign View by applying a range of filter options.
The filter will be applied at the folder level currently selected in the Document Explorer.
- To open Campaign View, click Campaigns in the main slide-out navigation menu.
- Click the Filter
icon located at the top of the Campaign View screen.
- Select the relevant Filter option or combination of options:
- Campaign Owner: This defaults to your login name if you are not an approver. To select other Campaign owners, tick the box next to their name.
- Campaign Status: This defaults to Pending Approval if you are an approver. To select another status, click in the select box next to the status.
- Last Modified by: The user who last modified a Campaign. Select the required user or users by ticking the box next to their name.
- Last Modified Date: The date on which the Campaign was last modified.
- Campaign Start Date: The date on which the Campaign started processing.
- Last Touch Date: The last date that any processing (such as an event) has occurred in the Campaign. Touch Dates do not display for Campaigns running in test mode.
- Next Touch Date: The next date that any processing (such as an event) is scheduled to occur in the Campaign. Touch Dates do not display for Campaigns running in test mode
- To reset the selected filters and revert to the default, click the Reset button in the filter dialog box.